application development

What You Need to Know About Ruby on Rails to Start Your First Application Development?

Ruby On Rails is a web development Framework derived from Ruby programming language. It is known to be one of the most time-efficient methods for writing code.

Frameworks necessarily are a collection of codes that help web developers and app developers with Mundane in and repetitive tasks.

Listen to Jeremy Evans’s talk at Rubykaigi 2019 that attests to the outstanding performance and how this development framework is helping the industry.

These tasks include building tables and forms on a website. It means you do not have to code a program from scratch. By using this framework, developers get the head start they need while writing code. They can find code for common functions that can then be inserted into the websites or apps they are crafting.

A specific programming language has a distinct set of programming frameworks. Ruby on Rails contains coding libraries written in the Ruby programming language. One important aspect of rails is that it is easy to maintain and is a preferred framework for collaboration.

Rails is essentially based on two primary principles.

  1. DRY (do not repeat yourself) and convention over configuration. Do not repeat yourself: according to this principle of software development " Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system." this principle helps to create a code that is easily rectifiable, extensible, and has minimum bugs.
  2. Convention over configuration: This is a software design model used by frameworks to help reduce the developer’s decision-making time whilst not losing flexibility.

In other words, using rails, web framework saves a lot of time which would otherwise be lost on recoding tasks. The resultant code is relatively cleaner and contains minimum bugs. It also provides easy and secure troubleshooting options when issues arise. Furthermore, Rails does not require the developers to include instructions of coding decisions in the code. This is because all Rails users are required to follow common conventions.

To illustrate, ZiniosEdge developed a responsive reward and customer loyalty management platform for a reputed company on Ruby on Rails. The task was to replace the complex capillary framework with an easy and efficient centralized system. Hence, the developers decided to build it on RoR, resulting in the utmost success with the best turnaround time.

What Beginners should understand about Ruby on Rails

Rosie Thomas (Ruby Engineer at MX) says, “Ruby language itself—and not just the Rails web framework—is a solid choice as a beginning coding language. “It’s what I started with!” says Thomas. “It’s easy to read and does a lot of the work for you. Other languages, like C, require a lot more code to do something you can accomplish in a few lines with Ruby.”

When it comes to the uninitiated HTML and CSS is considered to be the language of beginners. So does that mean that rails is only meant for experts, not those who are trying to get hold of their Tech skills?

On the contrary to popular belief, rails is actually beginner-friendly. Rails were used to fabricate software aimed at helping young women understanding technology. The nonprofit enterprise is termed “Rails Girls.” The credit of the simplicity and easy adoption rate to this framework goes to the language it is built upon- Ruby.

This means, to perfect rails, one has to understand certain aspects of Ruby programming language really well. This mainly includes basic concepts and syntax.

How Ruby on Rails is distinct from other programming languages and web


If you are wondering if Rails is a better option than HTML or CSS or JavaScript to build a

web app, well, here is your answer.

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language. It works by letting the developer create virtual objects in the code rather than assigning a set of tasks to the computer like other languages do.

The objects have their abilities and interact with counterparts to perform actions. Based on each object’s attributes and their interactions with one another, they can be assigned a set of instructions. Objects can be visualized as building blocks in the virtual world.

If there are two different types of blocks, one set is used to build the structure, and the other can be instructed to create a path that leads to the top of that structure. You can only imagine how simple it would be to work with an object-oriented language instead of other languages that follow a complicated process.

On the other hand, Ruby on Rails provides you with structures that make the building process much easier. Besides, these objects can also be used in programs in the future.

Let’s take an example and compare how writing a function is different from Ruby and PHP. To print the words’ Good Day’ on a web browser screen in PHP, you need to give the following command: echo ‘Good Day" Emphasis on the use of echo and semicolon at the end of the command!

Let’s try the same thing with Ruby.

All you need to do is write puts’ Good Day’ ‘Puts’ here sounds more like a spoken language that developers can easily connect to.

Besides, you don’t have to add a semicolon even. Now imagine writing complicated and long codes with Ruby. Without a doubt, Ruby is much more time-efficient and enhances the method of working.

How does Ruby enhance the scope of Rails?

If you had simply written ‘puts’ ‘Good Day’ in an HTML document, it would be reflected as it is in the web browser. Rails work by entering these commands in the code of the website through its framework. Model view controller architecture makes the web development process easier. But the model focuses the view in front end development with CSS, JS, bootstrap, Html, and preprocessors like CoffeeScript and SASS.

Igor (an 11 year experienced RoR developer) says, “Ruby on Rails allows you to focus on the task rather than the language,” and he reiterates its scope further.

The controllers interact with the views and model, thus providing more focus on the website logic. The models, in turn, deal with the data that resides on the database.

However, Ruby on Rails interacts with the website’s backend from where it requests and obtains data from databases and then showcases the data made up of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript content.

Should you dive into the Rails framework if you are a beginner?

There are online tutorials available on websites like Code Academy and Udemy. You can either opt for a paid class with an instructor or join forums on web development sites like Stack Overflow.

Rails boast a strong community following. There are dedicated organizations that provide Rails training workshops and classes. Software companies also host workshops and internships to nurture young talent and polish their skills.

Do not worry about perfecting the basics of the subject. Trust that the learning curve is short, and you can get going with Rails in a relatively shorter period of time.

As far as being an expert is concerned, we all know, learning never ceases as a web developer. All you need to focus on as a beginner is getting the basics right, and the rest shall follow.

This robust tool for web development is a pioneer in enhancing the utilities of already available skills, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You may think of it as an essential add-on to your resume as a web developer. But as a beginner, you can count on it to be the first leap into the world of programming.

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