Microservice Architecture

Migration to Microservice Architecture: A guide

The software design is perhaps the most important aspect that directly influences the ability to scale up, workload performance, the availability of the software, and the longevity of the software itself. It is also important to understand that traditional monolithic designs are still usable and widely used to fulfil many everyday goals. 

However, now we have a different problem. With the rapid growth of digital services, virtualization services, and an increasing dependency on cloud-based services, we require something different from these monolithic designs. This is where microservices come in. Microservices are monolithic software that has been redesigned as an interrelated yet independent software that is maintenance light and easily scalable.

Microservices mandates a clear understanding of the concept of its purpose, tradeoffs and considerations of the microservices approach to succeed.  Read on to know everything there is to know in this comprehensive guide to microservices: how microservices work, how they perform in comparison to other popular app architectures, important design considerations, and fundamental steps to deploy microservices-based architectures.

Table of Contents

Key Components and Functions of Microservices Architecture

Conventional software applications are designed as one huge chunk of code that accommodates very little room for customization. A Microservices Architecture is purpose-built as a series of independent services that can communicate with other related codes. This allows the freedom to test, deploy, and develop Microservices as separate projects.  APIs across networks protocols such as HTTP and REST enable interoperability and communication between multiple microservice architectures, which allows for the existence of a larger software with these smaller Microservices acting as building blocks. 

Why APIs are a necessity to Microservices?

Microservices absolutely need APIs to perform well, although they are different technologies. APIs facilitate the transfer of data and interoperability among multiple microservices. APIs allows services to request and receive data from multiple other microservices for the smooth operation of the larger software. 

An API’s key component is an API gateway that manages, organizes, and functions as the operator managing call between microservices and external clients. They also handle the security of the software and the distribution of load. Trimming such overhead helps in increased performance and helps keep the services in top condition. 

Virtual Containers and Microservices

Virtual Containers are essentially are constructions used to pack services and dependencies of Microservices. They share a common Operating System, which enables them to be stored on servers in a large number.  The added advantage of this process is the fact that these can easily be destructed and designed, often within minutes. 

Microservices are made practical with the use of containers. Though they are not necessary, containers enable us to easily suit them to microservices due to a resource-efficient and lean working instance. This allows us the flexibility of creating a container at our whim, destroying it, or make it everlasting. We may use container orchestration tools like Kubernetes to repair and maintain containers using almost no human intervention. 

A virtual machine on the other hand requires a whole dedicated Operating System, and dedicated drivers. Virtual machines cost far more and cause redundancy even though microservices can be deployed in the machine. The pointless expense of paying for 20-30 licenses can be completely eliminated this way, without much decrease in performance.

Microservices and Service Mesh

Now we know that APIs are the adhesive that binds Microservices together. Another aspect that helps in this binding is the logic that governs the communication. Even though it is possible to code the logic individually, it is not practical to code these into a complex program. 

This is where service mesh becomes very useful. Service mesh drives the service-service communication away from services and embeds it into the architecture. These create proxy containers in relation to services and re-route traffic allowing these services to continue their operations. A microservices application usually contacts numerous proxies to handle services or collections of related services.

Microservices and SOA

Though similarities exist between microservices and service architecture, they are not the same. SOA is focused on the software development approach by combining reusable components or services. A common interface facilitates services interoperability across an enterprise service bus, yet requires some knowledge of how each service works. SOA components are reliant on XML and SOAP to communicate with each other. 

The SOA models are the best choice for largely transactional operations and reusable in large software systems.  However, SOA isn’t very apt for new code and projects that involve swift and repeated development and deployment cycles.

In some ways, microservices seem to be a descendant of SOA, but they are not dependent on each other.  The primary difference between SOA and microservices is scope: SOA is designed keeping in mind to include the ability to operate across the entire enterprise, while microservices’ scope is limited to the application itself. SOA can complement microservices by allowing applications to communicate with other services across an enterprise

Microservices and Cloud-Based Services

Containers and microservices are designed so that they can be operated and orchestrated in any data center or collocation facility. Still, they will require an architecture that is specifically designed to handle such volumes of integrated services and swift or pre-planned scaling. Public clouds are the picture-perfect environments for on-demand and scalable computing, as well as orchestration engines, API gateways, pay-as-you-go licenses and components that lay the foundation blocks for a microservices architecture.

Microservices Architecture vs. Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic enterprise architecture is developed to include all of the application or operational logic mandatory to perform work on a single cohesive stack located on a principal central server inside the data centre. Though this has always been a super logical and memory-efficient way to build applications, it’s inadequate for most modern application and business requirements. Let’s compare the pros and cons of monolithic vs. microservices architectures.

How they work?

Monolithic applications are conventionally touted as entities in which the entire application is designed, tested and deployed as a mono codebase. Users can only access the application through the client-side application interface or through the presentation layer. 

User inputs, information, and doubts are mutually exchanged according to the logic of the underlying application or a business logic, which lays out the path for database access, data processing, and how results are sent back to the client. Not a single monolithic application can exist or run without depending on other applications. However, most of the application’s specified “job” is performed inside or by a single software entity.

A microservices architecture breaks down underlying logic into a series of uniquely different tasks and services, all of which are developed and deployed separately while communicating via an API

The interface routes client requests to corresponding services and sends specific results back to the user. A microservices application has the capability to evolve and involve other dependent software such as a common OS kernel, container orchestration engines and credentials for data access.

Pros vs. Cons

Though Monolithic Architecture designs are not extremely complex, building a multifaceted application with multiple points of integration on a monolithic architecture increases chances of many points which can fail, such as bugs in the software or faults in the hardware, that can result in long downtimes and a requirement for much human intervention. Monolithic applications also find it difficult to scale well. For example, if an application finds it necessary to possess high computing power to handle a spike in user requests, a completely new version and all of its dependencies should be deployed within a different server.

At scale, microservices facilitate efficiency and scalability that traditional monolithic applications find impossible to.  When a microservices function requires intense computing power, we have the luxury of only scaling that microservice by adding more instances of the service via a load balancer to split network traffic. Apart from this, orchestration and automation tools deploy and regulate services that can detect crashes and unresponsive periods which allow them to restart a troubled service. 

Furthermore, a microservice possesses less code and fewer functions, allowing them the freedom for regression testing, scoping out for unintended consequences due to software updates. These factors can optimally function to seamlessly perform service development and maintain services. 

However, Microservices  too, of course. As individual services proliferate, it possesses a lot of problems. The complex microservices code can give rise to issues that increase as the complexity of each code increases. Each service is heavily dependent on network performance and the integrity of the codes. It is also paramount that all individual service ought to be attached to, logging, monitoring, management, and many other tools

How hybrid and modular architectures are different?

The evolution of software applications from monolithic code-based system to microservices application architectures poses a problem for developers. A monolithic codebase sometimes do not play well and can pose a difficult task to tidy individual services. An alternative is to adopt a hybrid microservices model, which adds on and updates to an already existing legacy application possessing a mixture of monolithic code and services, all of which are deployed on public cloud containers.

A modular monolithic architecture is another option that may make sense to you. It was designed aiming to balance scalability and achieve a competent operational complexity with good speed. This approach leverages the ability to segment code into multiple individual feature modules, which caps dependencies while isolating data stores that help maintain simple communications, logic encapsulations, and reusability of the already existing monolithic architecture.

Now that we know why Microservices are so important and a game-changer these days let us look at how we can deploy Microservices.

How to deploy microservices:

It is imperative to remember that distributed microservices architecture isn’t a one size fits all option. There is no single universal plan for all enterprises microservices that have been designed since the beginning. There are many potential choices and alternatives that developers can choose from. The guidelines below can help in the smooth deployment of microservices and can help in troubleshooting common microservices troubles.

The public clouds can be your best friend. Even though microservices can be deployed in a traditional data center for most functions, the public scalability, resources and orchestration of a public cloud is much more efficient and cost-effective than traditional data centers.

Build an indestructible force:  Code Microservices as standalone enterprises than be scrapped, restarted, patched or scaled without causing disruptions to other services. If you design Microservices with a high level of inter-dependencies, these planned services can turn into the same old distributed monolithic one.

Do not make the mistake of centralization: Services should always follow a path of decentralization so that each individual service can access data resources, ensuring that enough data exists to prevent data inconsistencies. We can use the best database design for each task, and any change to a different database won’t impact other services if we follow this procedure.

Automation is the phrase or the decade: Modern application development requires a traditional pipeline to build, test and deploy software. This is exactly where microservices shine. Automation frameworks can be adapted to deploy Microservices, which quickly updates the following services, enabling faster working speeds. 

Monitor all services:  Make sure you use monitoring tools suitable for dynamic environments as each service performs its functions within complex microservices environments. Monitoring the deployment automation software ensures that all components are properly functioning as it is meant to.

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